Aboriginal Homelessness – can you help us?

The recent release of the report from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has once again exposed mistreatment of Aboriginal peoples in Canada as one of the core drivers of homelessness for this population. For some Canadians this open and brutally honest assessment of the devastation wrought by this century long policy is generating their first real understanding of the impact of colonization. Continue reading

Taking Steps to End Homelessness

Homelessness is back on the front page in our city again this Spring.  Concerns about camping in parks along with the interest in micro-housing solutions means that the public eye is focused on the issue to a degree not seen since the Coalition was first founded in 2007.

It is fortuitous then that the Coalition just released Creating Homes Enhancing Communities (CHEC) a detailed plan that highlights how much housing and supports would be required to end chronic homelessness in Greater Victoria. It speaks specifically to the amount of supportive housing required to house those who need more than just financial support to remain housed. Continue reading

Mixed Use Housing – Part 2

Pembroke Mews in downtown Victoria is an mixed-use apartment building geared for low to moderate income workforce tenants. Operated by: Greater Victoria Housing Society.

Part Two of a two-part series put together by our Housing Development Coordinator, Don Elliott. The series examines mixed used housing developments and the opportunities they present in our goal to end homelessness. Also see Mixed Use Housing – Part 1Continue reading